Environmental Technical and Expert Consulting Services for LAWA 2010
Client: Los Angeles World Airports
Prime: URS Corporation, AECOM Technical Services
The Environmental Services Division (ESD) of LAWA provides a full range of environmental services to all divisions within LAWA. ESD uses on-call contracts for environmental, technical, and supporting services to supplement LAWA staff and provide specialty environmental work in support of on-going business initiatives and capital project implementation. Examples of projects that may require the services of these consultant contracts include: Bradley West Concourse Project, Taxiway S Project, in-Line Baggage Screening System Projects, Central Utility Plant Replacement Project, Elevators/Escalators Replacement Project, leasehold inspection and mitigation, air quality permitting, the Specific Plan Amendment Study and emergency response to spills and system failures.
Creelman is a member of both the AECOM and URS Teams for this on-call contract.